Monday, July 6, 2009

The Birth of a Nation.

Sometimes an idea only takes a few beers, a few vodka tonics, and a few shots of tequila, to become a great idea. On Saturday July 4th 2009 some 233 years after the birth of the United States of America, comes an even greater event in the history of mankind and his plight for freedom. The inception of 'America 2.o'.

Much has to be decided by America 2.0's leadership council but I am eager to release a few details of our new nation:

  • Cooking breakfast outside on sunday morning while listening to Barry White at a medium volume is encouraged, maybe even a little Huey Lewis on special occasions.

  • N*SCAR is a swear word in America 2.0

  • Robot and Zombie resistance will be the key goal of theAmerica 2.0 military industrial complex.
  • Does anyone know how to make tequila? If so you are granted citizenship immediately.

I am sure there were many more great ideas discuused that night but as mentioned before many spirited beverages were consumed and we are all thankful that no serious injuries were inflicted during our sweet sweet fireworks celebration. If you want to add anything that I forgot feel free.


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