Saturday, November 29, 2008

Somehow this blog ended up being about the show 24

Why does everyone romanticize the past?  You hear it all the time, each older generation lamenting the newer generations lack of (...) whatever you name it.  Lately, I've been hearing a lot of the "moral decay" of today's society.  Like we have less morals than previous generations, because commercials are a little bit more racy than they were in "yester year".  Well I'm here to tell you that if you think now is worse then before.. you are nuts, not just a little but nuts but full on crazy person eating glass for breakfast nuts.

I think we have more morals today than at any previous time in history, and it will continue to get better as time goes on.  We have our freedom of speech and freedom of expression protected more so than any time in history(patriot act beside), civil and human rights continually get better, try being a Japanese immigrant during WWII.. try being black in this country at any point in time, try saying you were communist in the 50's during the "golden age" of McCarthyism, try being  native American 200 years ago.

Do all that and then come back and tell me the world is going to hell in a hand basket because sitcoms show more skin than they used to.   Go back and work in one of JP Morgan's or Rockefeller's sweatshops, and tell me you long for the good old days.  What do you think the Catholic church would have done to Mormons  700 years ago?

Yes morons let's get those soul less racy sex scenes off the air and replace them with goold old fashioned american gun violence, would that make you happy?  I sure as hell don't want my daughter to see a  nipple on TV, when she could be sitting there watching some douche bag like keifer sutherland shooting somebody in the face every 5 minutes because hes super patriotic.

If that's the decay of morals, then screw morals.

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