Friday, February 5, 2010

Why hello there internet, miss me?

What's been going on: I was reading over some of my previous blog posts, besides reaffirming that they are terrible and nobody should read them I found one where I went on a bit of a "rant" about iphones and the people that like them. I have to retract that statement as I now have an iphone and I am not one of those people...although I do like latees (shut up). My car got stolen as well the other day, kinda weird. The Navy project I was working on is over so no more blogging from exotic locations like Milwaukee, WI.

What I'm pissed off about: People that are offended at the idea of helping Haiti earthquake victims. You know the kind of people I am talking about, the idiots who say things like "I don't know why we got to help Haitians when we have starving/sick/poor people here in this country". Translation; Im a racist hilljack nationalist dickbag who thinks where you are born has something to do with your value as a human being. These people drive me crazy. Any sane person should be much more than willing to donate a few bucks to help a poor people in a poor country get the basic necessities to survive. Not like the lazy piece of shit american poor people who most likely have squandared every oppportunity in front of them. Not some meth head mother who popped out a couple of unwanted children because she was to stupid to use protection or worse just wanted an increase in her welfare check every month. I wish we could import more people in this country who actually want to be here and eject an equal amount of scumbags so they can see what its like to really be poor.

What I'm scared of: Zhu Zhu Pets. Creepy little beeping wheeled hamsters with a basic AI that allows them to move around on their own. (Yes I already took one apart to make sure I am aware of all their weaknesses.) One more weird look and their getting their batteries removed. There is a war coming.

Oh and 2 feet of snow on top of 2 feet of warming..its a fact.

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