Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ok.. Say you're a robot

And your goal is to destroy humanity, which is true. What better way to hone your mind control skills than those with dimentia..
This is the story.. this is the one that everyone will be like OMG Jason...Jesus Christ.. you were right. What other logical reason could there be for this? They are definetly trying to kill us.

Computerized Carer Lessens Dementia Load
ScienceDaily (Nov. 12, 2008) — An artificial intelligence coaching system has been developed that will help carers of older adults with moderate dementia. The COACH system (Cognitive Orthosis for Assisting aCtivities in the Home) uses a camera and computer to deliver interactive advice - lessening the workload on often-overburdened carers.

Why teach old people with dimentia? Because their brains are already half shot, and easier to control.

Call me crazy now....


Unknown said...

I can attest to the fact that dementia patients are light on their feet...and they grab you before you know it.

DJ Berndt said...

They really become desperate with that acronym. I'd say the robots are off to a poor start.

Tina said...

OMG Jason...Jesus Christ.. you were right.


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