Sunday, November 9, 2008

Who the hell made you the boss

If you say what to do I know what not to stop
If you were the ship then who would ever get on
The weather changed it for the worse
And came down on us like it had been rehearsed
And like we hope, but change will surely

And be awful for most but really good for some
I took a trip to the exact same spot
We pulled the trigger, but we forgot to cock
And every single shot

Now that the stupid election is over, we can get back to discussing important topics, like modest mouse lyrics, mostly to annoy my brother n law since I heard that he may read this on occasion. We can also get back up to speed on how robots and technology will ruin the world, and maybe delve into the benefits of living off the grid, since it looks like we are headed for great depression part II.

A few tidbits of interest:

- Its cold out now and that pisses me off. There is nothing worse than walking outside still dreaming of sleep, and getting slapped in the fact by a bone chilling breeze on a dreary november morning. I will probably continue to be pissed off until spring. The worst part is that its only November and its going to keep getting colder...

-As most of you that read my blog know(LOL just kidding nobody reads this) I work in technology and today was the first time I ever had anyone ask me to fix their glasses. So obsurd I couldn't refuse. I think i will walk into the ER tomorrow and ask someone to change the oil in my car..maybe replace the rotors.

- My t-shirt empire is off to a slow start, but at least Adam knows that when I say im going to get t shirts made that says he sucks and a website to sell it on, he knows that Im 100% serious.

-I need more multimeda in my blog so I'm going to go over to You Tube right now and find a sweet video to attach to this blog. BRB..


Unknown said...

1. Who's Glasses?
2. Transformers rule
3. Jason and Jason's wife need to be minions...

DJ Berndt said...

"There is nothing worse than walking outside still dreaming of sleep, and getting slapped in the fact by a bone chilling breeze on a dreary november morning."

I can think of something worse. Doing all of those things and then driving the half an hour to work with no heat and no window down the highway.


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