Monday, March 9, 2009

Bright spots in an otherwise dark time

The economy is in the shitter, and you might think its all bad but look on the bright side. Somewhere right now there is some out of work outside sales rep, yuppie shit bag who had to start double fisting their Xanax because they have come to the cold realization that they can no longer afford $6 lattees and sweaters for their overpriced barking rat that costs more than most people in the world live on for a year. This pleases me.

The next time you go to your ATM and withdrawal some money you can laugh at the fact that the $1.5o fee you pay is more than a share of their stock.

Smith & Wesson stock is up over 70% year to date while the the market is down over 25%. Don't worry I'm sure its a perfectly normal economic cycle that everyone pulled all their money out of the stock market and bought guns instead. There is probably some cool mad max shit coming soon.

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