Sunday, August 24, 2008

Third time's the charm...(when you suck at your job)


Thats how many attempts it took the jack ass pilot to successfully land the plane. Yup... after 5 hours and 25 minutes on a greyhound with wings, I had to put up with a pilot who obviously is not that good at his job..comforting.

Not much else, we went to little italy for lunch at some italian market with a pizza shop in the back, kinda cool but I dont really think san diego is known for its wop food.

dinner was actually kinda cool too, got to sit outside and some downtown trendy restaurant, ate lots of foot i never heard of.

Oh and there is a homeless person sleeping next to the dumpster a half block away.. guess if you are going to be homeless might as well be in socal.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Laugh hard it's a long ways to the bank (or remote heavily fortified compound)

Sorry I know you think its annoying to keep using MM Lyrics in my blog titles but fuck you its my blog and it pleases me. Anyway on to more important issues...

This will not end well...

"A new low cost platform for swarm robotics research which makes it possible to produce robots for as little as £24 each is being presented at the first European conference on Artificial Life which will be held in Winchester from 5-8 August."

24 pounds is about $45 or case you were wondering.

When robots become as cheap as a programmable coffee maker you know its time to consider packing up your valubles and moving to the heavily fortified compound(more on that later) you've been discussing building with your friends when you've a little bit too much to drink. You know... that one jerk friend of yours that has spent way too much time contemplating the impending doom of civilization..oh wait that would be me.

On another note, I'm sitting here eating some popcorn with Haley watching Blues Clues and I'm proud to say she is wearing her Zack Thoms Miami Dolphins jersey to bed tonite. Score one for the good guys in the battle for my daughters soul. Eat your heart out Brian Dawkins.

Id love to sit around and blog some more but I have to get up at 5 am and fly the whole way across the goddamn country for a meeting on Monday. (the government loves to pay people to stand around)

So the next 3 days will be a special west coast edition of my jerk ass blog.

Sleep well and it might be a good idea to unplug your toaster before you go to bed...

Friday, August 22, 2008

You're not mild mannared you're often liquored up and rude

bonus points if you know what that line is from..(no its not modest mouse today)

Rant of the day:

Here is something I do not understand. I was at Hershey Park today, and you see how they have reduced people who smoke to huddling in little gazebos like lepers. You know.. to protect all the non-smokers "health". I'm willing to go out on a limb here and say that nobody has ever died from second had smoke related injuries from amusement parks.

The truth is that non-smokers are just elitist whiny bitches. I just as much as anyone else don't necessarily want to have to smell cigarette smoke while sitting have dinner, but an amusement park? Its outside for god sakes. In fact I bet more people have become sick/ill/dead from catching contagious diseases from standing in line like cattle waiting to ride the latest roller coaster. In fact I think I read something earlier this year about some jack-ass getting his head runover by a coaster trying to fetch his ballcap. So there you have it 1 person confirmed dead by the attractions, 0 by second hand smoke. Makes me want to smoke.. just to piss off jerks.

On a personal note:

Never shying away from a chance to make a jack-ass out of myself I sold my pride for $25 today. My "esteemed collegue" paid me $25 to wear some fugly miami dolphins crocs that he purchased for me as a thank you for providing him months of entertainment watching my "seemed like a good idea at the time" purchase of some crocs stock. The $25 is great for 2 reasons, I am now $25 richer and it teach my "esteemed collegue" to part with a little bit of the cash he's been hording for no reason. Now if I could just pay him $25 to have a cocktial or 7.

Embarrasing myself aside the highlight of the trip had to be my daughter's reaction to the bears at the zoo "Lood Daddy there is a daddy bear, mommy bear and "sweetheart". At least she didnt say superbaby...

tomorrow back to robots promise.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Stars are Proejctors(and hipocrits apparently)

MM reference.... A pretty good song I might add. I did promise to reference them as often as possible because Modest Mouse is awesome.


I just got done filling out some of the profile options here, and had a good chuckle that I thought I would share with you. Apparently blogspot thinks Astrology is kind of a big deal. Since entering my birthdate gave me both my "astrological" sign and my "zodiac" sign(go ahead and click my profile to see what I'm talking about). Well apparently the stars insist I am both a Leo(Lion) and a sheep. How retarded is that? I am a lion and a sheep.. a "shion" maybe or a "leep". So basically its saying hey you might be an extroverted leo or an intraverted sheep, you might be a leader but you might also be follower. Confused? Me too. Don't feel bad because your not the one who spent an hour of their life finding out what being a leo means, and what being a sheep means only to find out their complete polar opposites. Which leads me to the conclusion that astrology is bullshit. Hopefully you can come to the same conclusion.

Moral of the story?

Astrology is for losers who need to be told what kind of person they are.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

On Child Racism..

Figured I would come back to this before I forgot about it. I mentioned it briefly yesterday, and since I'm really not that creative of a person I'm sure not going to turn down material.

My daugther Haley(or superbaby or Linny depending on her mood) was at a store with her mother and from the way it was told to me when a bit like this:

Haley upon seeing black man: "Mommy what's that?"

Mommy: "Its a man"

Haley: " I don't like him"

Mommy: "Why?"

Haley: "He's chocolate"


Is my daughter racist? Well maybe, but she is a huge Barack Obama fan( I don't have the heart to tell her hes a marxist, socialist, turd). In fact, maybe it just proves the point that people inheritantly dont like people that dont look like them, or fear what they don't understand. It would make sense in neanderthal type of tribal sense, but of course it doesn't apply in today's world. Maybe it even says that racism and prejudice are an instinctual behavior and equality and open mindedness are learned...not the other way around. whatever... the point of all this is that kids are freaking hilarious. In fact as I sit here typing this Haley is watching Dora(people that make cartoons have to be on drugs) jumping around the living room singing a song about a chocolate tree or something(again probably a lot of drugs). The cool part about dora is it teaches you spanish. Who knows I may start bloggin in spanish in a few months. Dios Mio, donde esta mi lapiz?

Well I've done this two days in a row now..still doubting I'll keep up with it.

No news is good news on the robot front....but this blog will still be your official robot resistance website.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Is this thing on? Ok, that was a rhetorical question. I feel like I should spend a little bit of time introducing myself as this is my first foray into blogging but then again I would imagine the chances of anyone reading this who doesn't already know me are slim to none. So I'll skip all that besides I think anyone of sound mind has to be at least a little bit skeptical of talking about their personal life on the internets, that or you are a narcisist and you just like hearing yourself talk err type.

I'll do my best to keep the personal details to a minimum and use this small corner of the virtual world to talk about important subjects like the impending robot takeover, zombies, aliens, child racism(more on that later), iphones, airports, scientology, why that movie sucked, my paralyzing fear of spiders, things that are white trash, etc. I may occasionally throw my hat in the political ring as well. (oh and I will try an reference modest mouse as much as possible)

I'll do my best to keep this updated on a regular basis but to be honest I get bored quickly, and the only reason I started it was because a co-worker does it and he bet that i wouldn't keep up with it.(more on him later)

Rant of the day:

This is a repost from my myspace blog but I read an article on CNN(liberal media) about the possibility of using "robots" as substitute for humans as teachers. I am not going to begin to try an comprehend how an idea such as this takes hold in the first place. An Excerpt from the article:

"Although robot teachers of varying abilities have existed for more than 30 years, ITS developments such as Whitehill's and Olney's are pushing beliefs that robots could soon be as effective -- if not more effective -- than human teachers."

More effective than human teachers.... seriously WTF.

This is the worst idea in the history of worst ideas's. Letting robots teach our children? Are you fucking nuts? What will you do when your children come home from school wielding a knife chanting "kill, kill, kill". Then what? Are you ready to be faced with the idea of having to fend for your life from your own children who were brain washed by evil robots when they realize they no longer need humans? Well don't come running to me for help, yes I will be there to tell you I told you so. Scientists need to be focusing their energies on how to defend against the upcoming technological singularity(google it) instead of trying to fan the flames.

Now that I think of it, this blog will make a good punchlist of things that will be "fixed" when I take over the world(its in the works more on that later)

Hopefully the quality of these "blogs" improve over time as well....

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