Wednesday, August 20, 2008

On Child Racism..

Figured I would come back to this before I forgot about it. I mentioned it briefly yesterday, and since I'm really not that creative of a person I'm sure not going to turn down material.

My daugther Haley(or superbaby or Linny depending on her mood) was at a store with her mother and from the way it was told to me when a bit like this:

Haley upon seeing black man: "Mommy what's that?"

Mommy: "Its a man"

Haley: " I don't like him"

Mommy: "Why?"

Haley: "He's chocolate"


Is my daughter racist? Well maybe, but she is a huge Barack Obama fan( I don't have the heart to tell her hes a marxist, socialist, turd). In fact, maybe it just proves the point that people inheritantly dont like people that dont look like them, or fear what they don't understand. It would make sense in neanderthal type of tribal sense, but of course it doesn't apply in today's world. Maybe it even says that racism and prejudice are an instinctual behavior and equality and open mindedness are learned...not the other way around. whatever... the point of all this is that kids are freaking hilarious. In fact as I sit here typing this Haley is watching Dora(people that make cartoons have to be on drugs) jumping around the living room singing a song about a chocolate tree or something(again probably a lot of drugs). The cool part about dora is it teaches you spanish. Who knows I may start bloggin in spanish in a few months. Dios Mio, donde esta mi lapiz?

Well I've done this two days in a row now..still doubting I'll keep up with it.

No news is good news on the robot front....but this blog will still be your official robot resistance website.

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