Friday, August 22, 2008

You're not mild mannared you're often liquored up and rude

bonus points if you know what that line is from..(no its not modest mouse today)

Rant of the day:

Here is something I do not understand. I was at Hershey Park today, and you see how they have reduced people who smoke to huddling in little gazebos like lepers. You know.. to protect all the non-smokers "health". I'm willing to go out on a limb here and say that nobody has ever died from second had smoke related injuries from amusement parks.

The truth is that non-smokers are just elitist whiny bitches. I just as much as anyone else don't necessarily want to have to smell cigarette smoke while sitting have dinner, but an amusement park? Its outside for god sakes. In fact I bet more people have become sick/ill/dead from catching contagious diseases from standing in line like cattle waiting to ride the latest roller coaster. In fact I think I read something earlier this year about some jack-ass getting his head runover by a coaster trying to fetch his ballcap. So there you have it 1 person confirmed dead by the attractions, 0 by second hand smoke. Makes me want to smoke.. just to piss off jerks.

On a personal note:

Never shying away from a chance to make a jack-ass out of myself I sold my pride for $25 today. My "esteemed collegue" paid me $25 to wear some fugly miami dolphins crocs that he purchased for me as a thank you for providing him months of entertainment watching my "seemed like a good idea at the time" purchase of some crocs stock. The $25 is great for 2 reasons, I am now $25 richer and it teach my "esteemed collegue" to part with a little bit of the cash he's been hording for no reason. Now if I could just pay him $25 to have a cocktial or 7.

Embarrasing myself aside the highlight of the trip had to be my daughter's reaction to the bears at the zoo "Lood Daddy there is a daddy bear, mommy bear and "sweetheart". At least she didnt say superbaby...

tomorrow back to robots promise.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm "esteemed"...such an honor.

isn't that from Firefly? Maybe not...


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