Monday, October 20, 2008

Dear God...

Its been almost a week since my last post. I just noticed that while drinking my $2.50 bottle of "evian" water. So if the rest of my blog sounds a bit pretentious you know why. Speaking of being pretentious I am just going to go ahead and tell people who believe in Intelligent Design to STFU.

I recently got the opportunity to sit through a dvd called "The Priveledged Planet". An hour long pseudo scientific look into the concepts of Intelligent Design. And when they say Intelligent Design they really mean "God did it". They can disguise it as science all they want, but their wrong. Espicially the part where they kept interviewing a "philosopher" and in the center of the frame in the background through the window is a steeple of a church. Nice...

Why are they wrong? Because I drink expensive bottled water and have a blog which makes me correct 103% of the time.

Science is an unbiased process in which we try to discover the answers to lifes unanswered questions. Specifically when talking about the origins of the universe science takes a look and makes the best possible guess given the data at hand, and those theories evolve over time. Big bang, oscillating uiverse, dark matter, expansion theory, string theory, M theory etc. Science will continue to evolve its ideas and goals, and religion will not. When science is wrong it admits its mistake and recalculates. And when its proven beyond a doubt religion relents. I can gurantee you the "ID" people will never stop spinning the evidence to support their theory even if its not there. Therefore its detrimental to finding the truth.

So while its true one day science could find the data and prove that there was an intelligent hand in creating the universe, its important to let science figure out that on its own. If you're religious think of science as the search to figure out how God did it. I think we can look at some of the past transgressions of the catholic church and its oppression the last 1000 years on scientific discovery to see why the church should stay out of the way. Think where we could be as a species if they had just stuck to theology, and left the scientists to do their work.

If you ask me the devil is in the church, not in the details.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

You'll burn me in effigy and I'll burn you in effigy

Oh how clever I am.. tying modest mouse lyrics into my blog..I've never done that before.(wink, wink)

Let's talk about burning flags. I've noticed recently that there are quite a few people who feel this is an abomination and people who do it should be thrown in prison. Believe it or not, its a popular sentiment and a extremely crazy and dangerous one. You see we have this whacky document called a constitution, its pretty cool and although its been trampled repeatedly by people who don't deserver to live in this country, we are nothing without it. Burning the flag is something that I consider extremely disrespectful to those that have given their lives to make this country, (especially those who fought for our independance) but the right to do it is guaranteed in our constitution. The moment we start jailing people for not respecting a piece of cloth is the moment we can take the consititution and throw it in the trash. Like I said its disrespectful but it should not warrant vigilante violence or criminal charges, it is as I said just a piece of cloth. People put such emotional stock in odd things, like some re print of our flag probably made in china.

"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."
-Albert Einstein

ehh.. these blogs have been way too serious... more robot paranoia and more modest mouse and less lunatic rants...promise.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

You can have the easy button..

I need a STFU button. I'll be happy to return it after election season is over. It seems everywhere I go there is some blowhard jerk off spewing political hate speech. Yesterday's flight home was no different. Only on an airplane I can't get away from it, and it was 2 solid hours of some guy spending the entire flight in the seat in front of me attacking some lady who mentioned she was voting for obama. If only I had a STFU button, or a gun, but you can't have those on airplanes so the STFU button would do just fine. To think if I would have beat this douche bag unconscious on the flight home I would have been the one on trial...

I have found that even though most of my political ideals lean to the right, republicans are by far the ones I see that can get pissed off just by mentioning the word democrat, liberal or worse Obama. Republicans tend to be the most hotheaded, illogical, mudslinging, retards in the world and the reason I couldn't fathom being a member of their party. Besides most of them seem to be repressed homosexauls anyway.

So while most of america is busy sharpening their teeth, counting down to the stupid presidential vote, I'll be counting down the days for a different reason. 24 days until they all can shut the fuck up, and I don't have to hear about it anymore.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Imagine there's no xmas..its easy if you try

What I am about to tell you is 100% unfiltered truth. And you damn well that I don't often talk about events in my personal life unless its really really urgent.


Yesterday, which by my calendar was October 4th, I went to Lowe's to pick up a few household items while my car was getting an oil change. I walk in and over to my left to my total and complete surprise was fucking christmas decorations. And by total and complete surprise I mean toal and complete surprise. I'm a pretty cynical person and I look for this type of shit. I was astounded. Christmas 3 weeks before Halloween! Christmas is 88 days away, and there are 365 days in a year. So yea... christmas is about 25% of the year now.

25% of the year on a supposed "christian" holiday that really is a holdover pagan tradition. I wonder how many people have no idea why the hell the celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with a decorated pine tree. At any rate this xmas juggernaut has to be stopped. Only I haven't the slightest idea how, maybe that can be a subject to tackle as the season gets closer and my christmas induced rage is at a higher level.

Feel free to offer any suggestions.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Do I feel like blogging today?

No I don't actually, but I will least half-assed. But I think if I watch one more episode of WOW WOW WUBZY I might have a stroke, if you've seen it you would agree that they must be trying to induce a stroke in their viewers.

So the vice presidential debates are on tonite. I guess it will be interesting in the same way a train wreck is interesting, or the same way American Idol is interesting. Hardly worth not showing the Office.

Since I don't feel like blogging, I'll just go ahead and post a few thoughts I have on how to fix the country.

-Take away the right for american citizens to vote for president. Its the only part of politics people care about and it has become a parody of itself. Most people probably couldnt name their state senators, representatives or supreme court justices. The founding fathers used electors. these electors could be the electoral college, but they could just be congress as well. This would force people to pay closer attention to the people that represent them directly, and avoid the national cirucs of a presidential election. Don't like the president your congressman voted for? Vote him out of ofice.

-Term limits for congress. These guys serve way too long for their own interest. Change the terms to 4 years and have a max 2 term limit. Also every year make it possible for their consituents to hold a vote of no confidence if their congressperson(i got this pc shit down) turns out to be a d-bag.

-A possible 3rd congressional house run by joe six packs and use a selection process similar to jury duty. These people would serve very short terms and provide common sense oversight to the elected officials that re passing the laws. You could make this a public service requirement. This way maybe when the country is on the verge of collapse you don't have d-bag senators attaching earmarks to financial bailout bills to lower the excise tax on wooden arrows.


I could serve as benolavent dictator.

I promise this is the last political blog I will post for at least a week. See what happens when I don't feel like blogging? Pure crap.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

These robots are more sinister than I originally thought

Someone needs to go up to MIT and teach these nerds how to tap a keg and roll a joint so they stop wating their time hastening the end of mankind....

Voice-Commanded Robot Wheelchair Finds Its Own Way
— MIT researchers are developing a new kind of autonomous wheelchair that can learn all about the locations in a given building, and then take its occupant to a given place in response to a verbal command.

I know I can't speak for the rest of you, but I sure as hell don't won't my gramma getting wheeled into oncoming traffic by some deranged "autonomous" wheel chair. On the other hand if we put "differently abled"(that's what your supposed to call them now) people in these wheel chairs it could serve as an early warning system to the rest of us. "Lot of wheel chair related incidents lately, they must have become self aware..time to head to the compound."

One other thing of note:

-I added a web tracker to my site today, not to inflate my ego(nobody in their right mind would follow this nonsense), but I need to keep an eye out for you know who....


web stats software