Thursday, October 2, 2008

Do I feel like blogging today?

No I don't actually, but I will least half-assed. But I think if I watch one more episode of WOW WOW WUBZY I might have a stroke, if you've seen it you would agree that they must be trying to induce a stroke in their viewers.

So the vice presidential debates are on tonite. I guess it will be interesting in the same way a train wreck is interesting, or the same way American Idol is interesting. Hardly worth not showing the Office.

Since I don't feel like blogging, I'll just go ahead and post a few thoughts I have on how to fix the country.

-Take away the right for american citizens to vote for president. Its the only part of politics people care about and it has become a parody of itself. Most people probably couldnt name their state senators, representatives or supreme court justices. The founding fathers used electors. these electors could be the electoral college, but they could just be congress as well. This would force people to pay closer attention to the people that represent them directly, and avoid the national cirucs of a presidential election. Don't like the president your congressman voted for? Vote him out of ofice.

-Term limits for congress. These guys serve way too long for their own interest. Change the terms to 4 years and have a max 2 term limit. Also every year make it possible for their consituents to hold a vote of no confidence if their congressperson(i got this pc shit down) turns out to be a d-bag.

-A possible 3rd congressional house run by joe six packs and use a selection process similar to jury duty. These people would serve very short terms and provide common sense oversight to the elected officials that re passing the laws. You could make this a public service requirement. This way maybe when the country is on the verge of collapse you don't have d-bag senators attaching earmarks to financial bailout bills to lower the excise tax on wooden arrows.


I could serve as benolavent dictator.

I promise this is the last political blog I will post for at least a week. See what happens when I don't feel like blogging? Pure crap.

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