Wednesday, October 1, 2008

These robots are more sinister than I originally thought

Someone needs to go up to MIT and teach these nerds how to tap a keg and roll a joint so they stop wating their time hastening the end of mankind....

Voice-Commanded Robot Wheelchair Finds Its Own Way
— MIT researchers are developing a new kind of autonomous wheelchair that can learn all about the locations in a given building, and then take its occupant to a given place in response to a verbal command.

I know I can't speak for the rest of you, but I sure as hell don't won't my gramma getting wheeled into oncoming traffic by some deranged "autonomous" wheel chair. On the other hand if we put "differently abled"(that's what your supposed to call them now) people in these wheel chairs it could serve as an early warning system to the rest of us. "Lot of wheel chair related incidents lately, they must have become self aware..time to head to the compound."

One other thing of note:

-I added a web tracker to my site today, not to inflate my ego(nobody in their right mind would follow this nonsense), but I need to keep an eye out for you know who....



DJ Berndt said...

I've never, in my entire life, heard the phrase:

"Lot of wheel chair related incidents lately, they must have become self aware..time to head to the compound."

Well done.

Unknown said...

Better save your pennies for that "compound," or is that code for 'the neighbor's shed?'


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