Monday, October 20, 2008

Dear God...

Its been almost a week since my last post. I just noticed that while drinking my $2.50 bottle of "evian" water. So if the rest of my blog sounds a bit pretentious you know why. Speaking of being pretentious I am just going to go ahead and tell people who believe in Intelligent Design to STFU.

I recently got the opportunity to sit through a dvd called "The Priveledged Planet". An hour long pseudo scientific look into the concepts of Intelligent Design. And when they say Intelligent Design they really mean "God did it". They can disguise it as science all they want, but their wrong. Espicially the part where they kept interviewing a "philosopher" and in the center of the frame in the background through the window is a steeple of a church. Nice...

Why are they wrong? Because I drink expensive bottled water and have a blog which makes me correct 103% of the time.

Science is an unbiased process in which we try to discover the answers to lifes unanswered questions. Specifically when talking about the origins of the universe science takes a look and makes the best possible guess given the data at hand, and those theories evolve over time. Big bang, oscillating uiverse, dark matter, expansion theory, string theory, M theory etc. Science will continue to evolve its ideas and goals, and religion will not. When science is wrong it admits its mistake and recalculates. And when its proven beyond a doubt religion relents. I can gurantee you the "ID" people will never stop spinning the evidence to support their theory even if its not there. Therefore its detrimental to finding the truth.

So while its true one day science could find the data and prove that there was an intelligent hand in creating the universe, its important to let science figure out that on its own. If you're religious think of science as the search to figure out how God did it. I think we can look at some of the past transgressions of the catholic church and its oppression the last 1000 years on scientific discovery to see why the church should stay out of the way. Think where we could be as a species if they had just stuck to theology, and left the scientists to do their work.

If you ask me the devil is in the church, not in the details.

1 comment:

DJ Berndt said...

Oh yeah? Well if God didn't design the universe, tell me why a banana is shaped to fit into a hand. End of discussion.



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