Thursday, January 29, 2009

Robots To Clean Your Kitchen And Play A Game Of Hockey?

Of course what a fantastically stupid idea. If peer over there in the robotic news on my blog you will notice I stole the head line from the article for my blog. Steal the headline and the blog will write itself, I thought. Seriously, what we have here is another retarded graduate student who watches star wars too many times trying to re-create R2-D2. Unknowlingly(hopefully) working on the inevitable extinction of the human race, not that we don't deserve it. Its good to know with all the BS going on that there is some jerk out there who thought "why not make a robot to clean your kitchen, maybe sharpen your knives for you, maybe mop the floors, load the diswasher then when its done stuff you in the dishwasher, throw knives at it, and mop you up in the bucket. "stupid humans" it would say as it beeped gleefully stuffing your remains in the garbage disposal.

I'm off to create a facebook page, since I am the onlyl person that does not have one.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Im blogging because Joel is blogging

And he is blogging right next to me, probably making observations of whats going on here at the airport, probably talking about me.(all nice things I'm sure) I unfortunately I have no desire to talk about whats going on here because well its an airport, and its boring. Everyone here has a look on their face like they want to be somewhere else, I'm sure I do as well. Yup just looked over so does Joel. I wonder what hes blogging about right now? Actually I don't really care, all I can think about is how god damn cold its going to be when I get there. And now the two women across from me are blabbing and when you add to that the constant lous speaker announcements its entirely too annoying to try an blog. I didn't want to blog anyway.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Its late and I'm a little drunk

well not real late only 930 or so out here, but im trying not to adjust to pacific time. My major dilemma? Im alone, and I cant make all my clothes fit back in my suit case. Being utterly and completely incapable of taking care of yourself can be tedious at times. wTF am i gonna do? I do have some cable ties in my bag, maybe i could make that work. I can see this converation playing out.

Wife: "did you put cable ties around your clothes to make them fit in your suitcase?"
ME: "..."
Wife: "Seriously?"
ME: "well.."
Wife "..."
Me: " :) "

More beer will make thim fit. I'm good.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Well its been swell San Diego

Tomorrow is my last full day in sunny southern california. I heard it was cold back home. You could say oh jason thats just coincidence, but I disagree. I bring the warmth where ever I go. The real challenge will be can I make it 80 degress in Milwaukee next week?

Enough about that.

The real issue here is my complete lack of blogging, and on the rare occasion that I do write a blog I blog about blogging. Go ahead go back and read... see told you. Got to correct that. I'm sure wants barry gets in office i will have things to bitch about. We're all well aware of the crappy economy so no use in beating that dead horse. My reading material of late has been theoretical physics not too many people care about that crap. Football season is practically over which sucks although I don't think i'll off myself over it like Hunter Thompson did. There really haven't been any scary news articles posted about artifiicial intelligence recently so that's kind of at a stand still at the moment. The wife says I have already told too many people about the "compound" so I can't talk about that anymore.

Im open to suggestions I guess. I usually have an opinion on everything and often a bad one completely out of left field.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

7 things about myself (for dj)

1) I don't remember anything from third grade, but I stayed home on new years eve for the first time that I can remember.

2) The most depressed I have ever been was in 9th grade math class when a fellow student told me that boss hog from the Dukes of Hazzard died, I did no math that day.

3) Rap music makes me sad.

4) Most of my actions are dictated by the desire to show people that there are multiple ways to get to the same end.

5) I suffer from short term memory loss very various reasons that I will not go into.

6)Last night i watched a movie. I usually don't like movies and this one wasn't that much different only I thought the cinematography was pretty cool, oh it was "The assasination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford"

7) I can't name 4 people that care about the NBA.

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