Monday, January 19, 2009

Well its been swell San Diego

Tomorrow is my last full day in sunny southern california. I heard it was cold back home. You could say oh jason thats just coincidence, but I disagree. I bring the warmth where ever I go. The real challenge will be can I make it 80 degress in Milwaukee next week?

Enough about that.

The real issue here is my complete lack of blogging, and on the rare occasion that I do write a blog I blog about blogging. Go ahead go back and read... see told you. Got to correct that. I'm sure wants barry gets in office i will have things to bitch about. We're all well aware of the crappy economy so no use in beating that dead horse. My reading material of late has been theoretical physics not too many people care about that crap. Football season is practically over which sucks although I don't think i'll off myself over it like Hunter Thompson did. There really haven't been any scary news articles posted about artifiicial intelligence recently so that's kind of at a stand still at the moment. The wife says I have already told too many people about the "compound" so I can't talk about that anymore.

Im open to suggestions I guess. I usually have an opinion on everything and often a bad one completely out of left field.

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