Thursday, January 1, 2009

7 things about myself (for dj)

1) I don't remember anything from third grade, but I stayed home on new years eve for the first time that I can remember.

2) The most depressed I have ever been was in 9th grade math class when a fellow student told me that boss hog from the Dukes of Hazzard died, I did no math that day.

3) Rap music makes me sad.

4) Most of my actions are dictated by the desire to show people that there are multiple ways to get to the same end.

5) I suffer from short term memory loss very various reasons that I will not go into.

6)Last night i watched a movie. I usually don't like movies and this one wasn't that much different only I thought the cinematography was pretty cool, oh it was "The assasination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford"

7) I can't name 4 people that care about the NBA.

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