Saturday, August 23, 2008

Laugh hard it's a long ways to the bank (or remote heavily fortified compound)

Sorry I know you think its annoying to keep using MM Lyrics in my blog titles but fuck you its my blog and it pleases me. Anyway on to more important issues...

This will not end well...

"A new low cost platform for swarm robotics research which makes it possible to produce robots for as little as £24 each is being presented at the first European conference on Artificial Life which will be held in Winchester from 5-8 August."

24 pounds is about $45 or case you were wondering.

When robots become as cheap as a programmable coffee maker you know its time to consider packing up your valubles and moving to the heavily fortified compound(more on that later) you've been discussing building with your friends when you've a little bit too much to drink. You know... that one jerk friend of yours that has spent way too much time contemplating the impending doom of civilization..oh wait that would be me.

On another note, I'm sitting here eating some popcorn with Haley watching Blues Clues and I'm proud to say she is wearing her Zack Thoms Miami Dolphins jersey to bed tonite. Score one for the good guys in the battle for my daughters soul. Eat your heart out Brian Dawkins.

Id love to sit around and blog some more but I have to get up at 5 am and fly the whole way across the goddamn country for a meeting on Monday. (the government loves to pay people to stand around)

So the next 3 days will be a special west coast edition of my jerk ass blog.

Sleep well and it might be a good idea to unplug your toaster before you go to bed...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i thought at first i was the jerk friend who thought to much about the end of society.


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