Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Stars are Proejctors(and hipocrits apparently)

MM reference.... A pretty good song I might add. I did promise to reference them as often as possible because Modest Mouse is awesome.


I just got done filling out some of the profile options here, and had a good chuckle that I thought I would share with you. Apparently blogspot thinks Astrology is kind of a big deal. Since entering my birthdate gave me both my "astrological" sign and my "zodiac" sign(go ahead and click my profile to see what I'm talking about). Well apparently the stars insist I am both a Leo(Lion) and a sheep. How retarded is that? I am a lion and a sheep.. a "shion" maybe or a "leep". So basically its saying hey you might be an extroverted leo or an intraverted sheep, you might be a leader but you might also be follower. Confused? Me too. Don't feel bad because your not the one who spent an hour of their life finding out what being a leo means, and what being a sheep means only to find out their complete polar opposites. Which leads me to the conclusion that astrology is bullshit. Hopefully you can come to the same conclusion.

Moral of the story?

Astrology is for losers who need to be told what kind of person they are.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nope...not Stewart...didn't even see him.


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