Sunday, October 5, 2008

Imagine there's no xmas..its easy if you try

What I am about to tell you is 100% unfiltered truth. And you damn well that I don't often talk about events in my personal life unless its really really urgent.


Yesterday, which by my calendar was October 4th, I went to Lowe's to pick up a few household items while my car was getting an oil change. I walk in and over to my left to my total and complete surprise was fucking christmas decorations. And by total and complete surprise I mean toal and complete surprise. I'm a pretty cynical person and I look for this type of shit. I was astounded. Christmas 3 weeks before Halloween! Christmas is 88 days away, and there are 365 days in a year. So yea... christmas is about 25% of the year now.

25% of the year on a supposed "christian" holiday that really is a holdover pagan tradition. I wonder how many people have no idea why the hell the celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with a decorated pine tree. At any rate this xmas juggernaut has to be stopped. Only I haven't the slightest idea how, maybe that can be a subject to tackle as the season gets closer and my christmas induced rage is at a higher level.

Feel free to offer any suggestions.


Unknown said...

You just have to convince everyone on the planet that Santa Claus is a pedophile, and that would pretty much end it...the commercialization aspect of Christmas, at least.

DJ Berndt said...

Your entry reminded me of this segment from Gaffigan's "Beyond the Pale".


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