Wednesday, October 15, 2008

You'll burn me in effigy and I'll burn you in effigy

Oh how clever I am.. tying modest mouse lyrics into my blog..I've never done that before.(wink, wink)

Let's talk about burning flags. I've noticed recently that there are quite a few people who feel this is an abomination and people who do it should be thrown in prison. Believe it or not, its a popular sentiment and a extremely crazy and dangerous one. You see we have this whacky document called a constitution, its pretty cool and although its been trampled repeatedly by people who don't deserver to live in this country, we are nothing without it. Burning the flag is something that I consider extremely disrespectful to those that have given their lives to make this country, (especially those who fought for our independance) but the right to do it is guaranteed in our constitution. The moment we start jailing people for not respecting a piece of cloth is the moment we can take the consititution and throw it in the trash. Like I said its disrespectful but it should not warrant vigilante violence or criminal charges, it is as I said just a piece of cloth. People put such emotional stock in odd things, like some re print of our flag probably made in china.

"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."
-Albert Einstein

ehh.. these blogs have been way too serious... more robot paranoia and more modest mouse and less lunatic rants...promise.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

You're an infantile disease...

Sorry...must be the Meaner Demeanor.

(previous comment had grammatical error...OCD!!!!)

DJ Berndt said...

Dude, Joel burned you bad.

Almost as bad as a flag.


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