Monday, September 1, 2008

Rolled up aces over kings

Its been a slightly busy week, and thats a good as an excuse I can come up with at the moment for not blogging the past week.

Couple of things that happened this week

-I saw both the atlantic ocean and pacific ocean in the same week.
-Drinking once again proved its usefulness as it created the great idea of going down to the Taj for a nice 13 hour session at the tables.
-I actually had a good time DDing for some friends who shared a birthday saturday. I didnt plan on dding it just kind of worked out that way. (I tried to get some cell video of adam telling chris he was going to eat his throat so he didnt have to hear him talk anymore but it didnt save... you had to be there)
-I hate new jersey and their never ending toll roads and so should you.

One day my better half will realize that I am not to be left unsupervised.

The best part was I got to see some jerk wearing american flag pants at the dog on saturday night. American flag pants no lie..apparently he was some redneck who was there to sing songs for "charity"...

On this whole charity thing...

The charity was for the humane league.. you know that place that takes all your unwanted pets, Some lady walked around the bar with a hat asking for donations.. I respectfully declined. Its not just because I'm cheap its more that I guess I find it a bit obsurd that people are out there raising money for animals... Animals are cool and all but If I have a few extra bucks to give to charity I can think of so many more worthwhile causes then a fucking animal shelter. As future ruler of the world I would make it a point to make sure that before we go around saving baby puppies maybe we should make sure all the people are fed, clothed and educated. Who knows maybe we could feed the dogs to the poor people...

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