Thursday, September 11, 2008

Computer Scientists Program Robots To Play Soccer, Communicate With Bees

No, I didnt make up this title, this is real news. Article below.

Computer Scientists Program Robots To Play Soccer, Communicate With Bees
July 1, 2008 — Engineers built humanoid robots that can recognize objects by color by processing information from a camera mounted on the robot's head. The robots are programmed to play soccer, with the intention of creating a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots able to compete against a championship human team by 2050. They have also designed tiny robots to mimic the communicative "waggle dance" of bees.

I want to meet the person idiot who decided what the world was really lacking was robots that communicate with bees. As if bees aren't enough of a pain in the ass, now they will be lead by a super robot type of bee. Soon enough we will be begging for the days when killer bees were the biggest bee-related worry.

Keep inventing shit morons.

1 comment:

DJ Berndt said...

I'm actually more frightened by the robot soccer team. That has got "T-1000" written all over it.


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