Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Here is something you can take to the bank...

If you own or have any desire to own an apple iphone I hate you. Right now if I had one wish it would be that Steve Jobs and all his apple fan boys would suck on the business end of a shotgun. Bunch of birkenstock wearing, tree hugging, elitist, soul less, yuppie scum bags each and every last one of them. Sitting around in coffee shops on their macbooks drinking $6 lattes out of styrofoam cups talking about global warming and how their making a fucking difference by driving a toyota prius hybrid that has a higher negative enviornmental impact that a Hummer H2.(yes that's true, the nickel required to make the batteries is very eco unfriendly),but they really don't give a shit about the environment, just about the perception of saving the environment. These people are just like homeless people they just have a trust fund to live off, while they finish that liberal arts degree in pottery making that will ultimatly land them a job managing a gap store at the mall.

I really just don't like the iphone, that's all Im saying.

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