Friday, September 5, 2008

Untitled boring blog

What to blog about today? I have no idea. You got any? Feel free to post up any suggestions or comments on any issues in which you would like to hear my jerk-ass opinion. No new developments in the artificial intelligence world that i've seen (maybe they're reading my blog) so I got nothing to add there.

There is an election going on but for some reason i don't even care. I'm usually quite the political junkie, at least in the past, but I have been paying little attention. I'm not entirely sure why, I'll think about that and let you know. Maybe its because this country has completely lost its way and the founding fathers are rolling over in their graves seeing the socialist, imperialistic nightmare we are slowly but methodically turning into. But seriously I don't feel like talking about politics today so enough about that.(ironically the episode of the simpsons with lisa going to congress is on).

Edit: I take back what I said above about there not being news in the robot front. see below:

"Stanford computer scientists have developed an artificial intelligence system that enables robotic helicopters to teach themselves to fly difficult stunts by watching other helicopters perform the same."

I know.. I know..... you're rolling your eyes thinking jason for christ sakes shut the hell up about the robots already. Well I'm not going, so don't ask  This is a cheezey action movie waiting to happen. Killer robot helicoptors..yup definetly going to happen you'll see.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They don't feel pity or remorse...


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