Saturday, September 13, 2008


That's what I was thinking when I decided to sit down and write a blog, because honestly I don't really have anything planned to blog about. I was kind of hoping that if I started typing some words here on the internets that maybe something would come up, but nothing yet. I'm still just sitting here typing aimlessly. Sure you might be thinking "well jason, why dont you just stop typing?" Good question I would say. I really got nothing else going on this very moment, so I'll just keep typing maybe I'll have a thought. No surprising that I'm still sitting here with nothing to blog about. I mean I could blog about politics but who cares honestly? I could blog about the new particle accelerator over there at CERN everyone is all up in arms about but everyone knows about that already. I could blog about the idiots in texas wasting my tax dollars because they were too stupid to leave when they were told. I could blog about the new smoking ban that just went into effect in pennsylvania this week, wait... that just might work.

Yes in case you didnt notice the commonwealth of Pennsylvania passed a law banning smoking in all public places. Now I've mentioned before the retardedness(is that a word?) of non smokers and their crusade the make the world a more miserable place, but this is more about the sad state of affairs when a business owner loses control of his own business. This is America last time I checked. , I was at my favorite local bar a few months ago when the smoking ban passed. I was sitting there talking to an eastern european immigrant who fled his homeland to come to america 20 years ago. He made a comment about fleeing to the states to get away from socialist big brother crap like this, and how he sees the same things happening here that he saw over there. Those of us that have lived here all our lives may take it for granted but to hear from the mouth of someone who came here for a better life, well it kind of hit home a little bit. You see its not really about the smoking its about taking the power away from the owner of the establishment. If people don't want to be around smoke, they will not frequent a bar that allows smoking, thus creating a market for a non smoking bar. Smokers won't want to go to a bar they cannot smoke.... you get the point. That's the beauty of capitlilism and free enterprise, people get to and will vote with their wallets.

So the next time you non-smokers are out for a night on the town enjoying your fresher cleaning smelling bar, that thanks to people like you this country is coming apart at the seems.

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