Monday, September 29, 2008

Everytime you make a pot of decaf coffee baby jesus kills a kitten...

Ok listen...

If you drink "decaf" coffee you're retarded. FACT! Nothing in the world pisses me off more than getting a nice hot cup o joe in the morning only to find some idiot has wasted precious natural resources filling up another pot with fake coffee. It is complete pointless to consume decaf, as well as extremely selfish and rude to your normal non retarded co workers who are eagarly awaiting a nice hot cup of wonderful delicious coffee. Seriously you know who advocates the drinking of decaf? Mormans. You know the large group of idiots in Utah who worship some that jack ass that supposedly found some tablets in rochester NY that had some more jebus commandments on them...the ones that nobody else was allowed to see but him. Need I say more? Didn't think so. Stay the f*ck away from the coffee maker jerks.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Random Musings

Quick hit thoughts of the day:

  • 700 billions dollars / approx 130 million taxpayers = $5,000 per taxpayer.  You're welcome idiots who bought houses you couldn't afford. Hope you choke on it.
  • The arctic ice is melting.. don't care. Not as long as people think its solely the cause of man, and ignoring the giant fireball at the middle of our solar system.
  • Palin.  I'm no longer speaking to people that think she is capable of running the country when McSame finally succumbs to that bowling ball on the side of his face for fear that stupid is contagious.
  • Ahmadinejad.  You are a retard, stfu. We are all aware the empire is crumbling, you won't survive without it.
  • Large Hadron Collider.  6 billion dollar fail. We could have built 116 of them if people knew how much mortgage they could afford.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Staying Humble..hiding from skynet.

I have added the gadget over there on the right that lists your blog followers. That way if I start getting out of hand I can take a deep breath and relax because nobody cares what I say. Don't worry though that's a good thing as I don't really say anything worth reading, that is unless I'm talking about robots in which case you need to pay attention and probably jot down a few notes, everything else is mostly bullshit just to confuse go*gle( search engine bots are not easily misled) . from now on skynet will be my codeword for g0*gle. Ok? good. Think I'm paranoid? Read this:

IT at sea: Google to launch a computer navy

ccording to a patent application seen by London newspaper "The Times," Google is considering launching barges up to seven miles (11km) offshore to host the massive data centers required to run its Internet search engines.
The plan would likely see the data centers -- which consist of huge supercomputers -- use wave energy to power and cool themselves while stationed at sea.
In the application Google states: "Computing centers are located on a ship or ships, anchored in a water body from which energy from natural motion of the water may be captured, and turned into electricity and/or pumping power for cooling pumps to carry heat away."

To think just a few years ago skynet was simply a nice internet search engine.. now it looks like its gearing up to take over the world. You guys worry about "Al Qaida" I'll worry about skynet, the real threat. Maybe its pissed off because the internet is by far the most important tool in the history of man kind and we mostly juse use it to watch porn.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Here is something you can take to the bank...

If you own or have any desire to own an apple iphone I hate you. Right now if I had one wish it would be that Steve Jobs and all his apple fan boys would suck on the business end of a shotgun. Bunch of birkenstock wearing, tree hugging, elitist, soul less, yuppie scum bags each and every last one of them. Sitting around in coffee shops on their macbooks drinking $6 lattes out of styrofoam cups talking about global warming and how their making a fucking difference by driving a toyota prius hybrid that has a higher negative enviornmental impact that a Hummer H2.(yes that's true, the nickel required to make the batteries is very eco unfriendly),but they really don't give a shit about the environment, just about the perception of saving the environment. These people are just like homeless people they just have a trust fund to live off, while they finish that liberal arts degree in pottery making that will ultimatly land them a job managing a gap store at the mall.

I really just don't like the iphone, that's all Im saying.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Everyone's life ends, but no one ever completes it

The title? Just a lyric stuck in my head this evening, modest mouse of course.. ;). Once again I'm not really sure what to blog about but I'm not going to ramble on aimlessly like the other day. I'll stop typing at the end of this sentence and come back when I have an idea, or something pisses me off.(maybe I'll go read the news,brb)

Ok I'm back..

(I apoligize in advance if you don't want to hear me talk about politics)

I'm going to post a news Make sure you are sitting down because this is the most absolutely retarded thing I've read in awhile, and it proves once and for all without a doubt that all politicians are batshit fucking crazy. you ready? Put your seat belt on.

Here's the headline:

Adviser calls BlackBerry 'miracle' McCain 'helped create'

(give me a minute or 10 as I wipe the tears from my face)

So John McSame helped to invent the blackberry?

(According to one of his lackeys apparently)

Pressed to provide an example of what McCain had accomplished on that committee, Holtz-Eakin said the senator did not have jurisdiction over financial markets, then he held up his Blackberry, telling reporters: "He did this."
"Telecommunications of the United States, the premiere innovation in the past 15 years, comes right through the Commerce Committee. So you're looking at the miracle that John McCain helped create," Holtz-Eakin said. "And that's what he did. He both regulated and deregulated the industry."


I may have to vote for him now.. If you can not know how many houses you have, never sent an email, have no idea how to use a PC but somehow invented the blackberry, and still had the balls to run for president with a straight face. That's impressive.

When I run for president I'm just going to tell people I invented pants. If they dont like it I'll call them a terrorist and throw them in a prison for years without a trial, and tell everyone that doesnt agree with me that they hate their country.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


That's what I was thinking when I decided to sit down and write a blog, because honestly I don't really have anything planned to blog about. I was kind of hoping that if I started typing some words here on the internets that maybe something would come up, but nothing yet. I'm still just sitting here typing aimlessly. Sure you might be thinking "well jason, why dont you just stop typing?" Good question I would say. I really got nothing else going on this very moment, so I'll just keep typing maybe I'll have a thought. No surprising that I'm still sitting here with nothing to blog about. I mean I could blog about politics but who cares honestly? I could blog about the new particle accelerator over there at CERN everyone is all up in arms about but everyone knows about that already. I could blog about the idiots in texas wasting my tax dollars because they were too stupid to leave when they were told. I could blog about the new smoking ban that just went into effect in pennsylvania this week, wait... that just might work.

Yes in case you didnt notice the commonwealth of Pennsylvania passed a law banning smoking in all public places. Now I've mentioned before the retardedness(is that a word?) of non smokers and their crusade the make the world a more miserable place, but this is more about the sad state of affairs when a business owner loses control of his own business. This is America last time I checked. , I was at my favorite local bar a few months ago when the smoking ban passed. I was sitting there talking to an eastern european immigrant who fled his homeland to come to america 20 years ago. He made a comment about fleeing to the states to get away from socialist big brother crap like this, and how he sees the same things happening here that he saw over there. Those of us that have lived here all our lives may take it for granted but to hear from the mouth of someone who came here for a better life, well it kind of hit home a little bit. You see its not really about the smoking its about taking the power away from the owner of the establishment. If people don't want to be around smoke, they will not frequent a bar that allows smoking, thus creating a market for a non smoking bar. Smokers won't want to go to a bar they cannot smoke.... you get the point. That's the beauty of capitlilism and free enterprise, people get to and will vote with their wallets.

So the next time you non-smokers are out for a night on the town enjoying your fresher cleaning smelling bar, that thanks to people like you this country is coming apart at the seems.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Computer Scientists Program Robots To Play Soccer, Communicate With Bees

No, I didnt make up this title, this is real news. Article below.

Computer Scientists Program Robots To Play Soccer, Communicate With Bees
July 1, 2008 — Engineers built humanoid robots that can recognize objects by color by processing information from a camera mounted on the robot's head. The robots are programmed to play soccer, with the intention of creating a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots able to compete against a championship human team by 2050. They have also designed tiny robots to mimic the communicative "waggle dance" of bees.

I want to meet the person idiot who decided what the world was really lacking was robots that communicate with bees. As if bees aren't enough of a pain in the ass, now they will be lead by a super robot type of bee. Soon enough we will be begging for the days when killer bees were the biggest bee-related worry.

Keep inventing shit morons.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I don't care about homeless people because they are poor.

Is that a terrible thing to say? I don't think it is. I was told that I had to make this the title of my blog so there it is. Homeless people serve no useful purpost to society, they add nothing of value. The only thing homeless people have over regular poor people is they usually do not breed. The world has more than its fair share of morons and there is no reason they should be allowed to multiply. Watch Idiocracy for clarification.

There are many ways to get unsightly homeless people off the streets. We could mulch them, harvest them for organs for non homeless people, use them for stem cells, medical trials, stunts for movies, target practice, I could go on all night. Hell I'm sure we could make a great alternative energy source out of them.

"That's cruel.. homeless people could just be regular people down on their luck", they are nothing but a drain on resources that could be better utilized. But I bet you could use them to make candles or lamp oil or something. At the very least if you want to help the situation next time you see a homless person just go ahead and hoist them into the dumpster their sleeping next too, they are probably too drunk on sterno to notice anyway. Its not ideal but at least you can go home and sleep soundly knowing you made a difference.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Working on leavin' the living

In heaven everything is fine
In heaven everything's alright
In heaven everything is fine
In heaven everything is fine
In heaven
Working on livin'
I'm working on leaving
I'm working on leaving the living
Love you more than everything
Loved it more than anything
Loved everything more than anything
Working on drinking
I'm working on driving
I'm working on driving my dreams so
Working on living
I'm working on leaving
I'm working on leaving the living
In heaven everything is fine
In heaven everything's alright
In heaven everything is fine
In heaven

Modest Mouse > your mom

Watching talk to you tomorrow internet.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Elmo and the NFL

Before we get into the first sunday of football season I want to point out how much I hate it when people refer to themselves in the 3rd person. In fact when I take over the world anyone who does it will face immediate execution, and that includes elmo. I had to listen to that creepy little muppet while my daughter was watching him on the internet this evening. If I was a better parent I would probably not let her watch him for fear of her adopting some of his self absorbed narcissism. Anyway onto football...


The Eagles won but the dolphins lost and its looking like another season of heartbreak as their rebuilding process continues. Tuna if you read this, please either get pennington bionic implants for his arm or bench him and let Henne play. That last ditch wounded duck pass to the corner of the end zone was pathetic. In the fins defense the jets are the only afc east team that the dolphins don't have a winning record againsts, they always seem to have their number.. what was that in like 95 when they blew a 35-7 fourth quarter lead agains the jets.

Tom Brady blew out his knee, which makes me happy because I hate the patriots but he was the best player on my fantasy football team..happysad. Nothing like sitting down with a plate of junk food on Sunday afternoon getting ready to watch your fantasy team kick some ass, and then seeing the tv cut to the new england game and hearing the words "Now watch Tom Brady's knee".... happysad.

Not very many people read my blog and that's probably good, but I do mention that I do it on occasion and people usually ask me what I blog about. "Mostly robots" I say. "..." is the typical response followed by eyes rolling. I keep note of this and these people will not be invited to my heavily fortified compound when the robots take over. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Untitled boring blog

What to blog about today? I have no idea. You got any? Feel free to post up any suggestions or comments on any issues in which you would like to hear my jerk-ass opinion. No new developments in the artificial intelligence world that i've seen (maybe they're reading my blog) so I got nothing to add there.

There is an election going on but for some reason i don't even care. I'm usually quite the political junkie, at least in the past, but I have been paying little attention. I'm not entirely sure why, I'll think about that and let you know. Maybe its because this country has completely lost its way and the founding fathers are rolling over in their graves seeing the socialist, imperialistic nightmare we are slowly but methodically turning into. But seriously I don't feel like talking about politics today so enough about that.(ironically the episode of the simpsons with lisa going to congress is on).

Edit: I take back what I said above about there not being news in the robot front. see below:

"Stanford computer scientists have developed an artificial intelligence system that enables robotic helicopters to teach themselves to fly difficult stunts by watching other helicopters perform the same."

I know.. I know..... you're rolling your eyes thinking jason for christ sakes shut the hell up about the robots already. Well I'm not going, so don't ask  This is a cheezey action movie waiting to happen. Killer robot helicoptors..yup definetly going to happen you'll see.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

What happens when you die

This came up in coversation today briefly and I figured I would explain here as so many people seem to be unsure.

Im going to divide this into 3 sections one for each.

-what definetly won't happen when you die.

-what most likely will happen.

-what is not out of the realm of possibility.

Part I (faith) What definetly will not happen when you will die:

You will not go to heaven, but don't fret as you will not go to hell either. In fact its 100% fact that any "religion" based account of the afterlife is absolutely false. How do I know this? Well its relatively simple if you think about it. There are several thousand religions in this planet some extinct, some still practiced. All believe their own beliefs are the only path to salvation. Since all of them cannot be true, and there is no emprical evidence to support any of them, its pretty safe to say none of them are. Most of them made up thousands of years ago to explain things that science could not. Many of these things have since been explained, like the Sun, moon etc. And from a christian standpoint "God" certainly would not create all these children in his image only to send the vast majority to hell, remember even competing denominations ofthe christian churches think the others are going to hell. Religion does nothing for us anymore, all of its good points have been absorbed into the secular governments (do not steal, ,kill etc) and all that is left is the faith closing the mind to hope and reason.(but this isnt about religion that's another topic).

Part II (reason)- What will most likely happen when you die - You will die. You will cease to exist. Its a pretty crappy deal, but if you think about it, it makes the most sense. As you have no conscience recollection from the beginning of the universe to now, you most likely will not have any recollection of any of the time that happnes after you die. Even if you continue to exist with no recollection of your memories here on earth, the person you are here is still effectively dead. Our memories make us who we are. People have a starting point (birth), things that are infinite dont have a starting point or an ending point for that matter.

Part III (hope) - What is not out of the realm of possibility - We continue to live on. Its still possible although unlikely that there is a supreme being, or even if there is not there is very very much we don't know about our universe, that it would be completely ignorant not to leave the door open for any possibility(except religion). We are just scratching the surface of our understanding of our universe, the possibility of parallel universes, other dimensions etc. You get the point.

Since we can be 100% sure that god doesnt exist in a chrisitan sense, but only 80% sure that he doenst exist at all, we have no choice but to be agnostic. We hope that this isn't the end even though all we know now points in that direction.

I read a book awhile back by TL Galin called "I'm dead, the hell you say, so now what" which the authors take on death is that we chose the life we live it before we live it, and based on how difficult of life we pick is how much our soul grows during that life. Interesting concept and certainly possible, and just as valid as anything else ever written.

So there you have it, absolute undeniable facts as always :)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Rolled up aces over kings

Its been a slightly busy week, and thats a good as an excuse I can come up with at the moment for not blogging the past week.

Couple of things that happened this week

-I saw both the atlantic ocean and pacific ocean in the same week.
-Drinking once again proved its usefulness as it created the great idea of going down to the Taj for a nice 13 hour session at the tables.
-I actually had a good time DDing for some friends who shared a birthday saturday. I didnt plan on dding it just kind of worked out that way. (I tried to get some cell video of adam telling chris he was going to eat his throat so he didnt have to hear him talk anymore but it didnt save... you had to be there)
-I hate new jersey and their never ending toll roads and so should you.

One day my better half will realize that I am not to be left unsupervised.

The best part was I got to see some jerk wearing american flag pants at the dog on saturday night. American flag pants no lie..apparently he was some redneck who was there to sing songs for "charity"...

On this whole charity thing...

The charity was for the humane league.. you know that place that takes all your unwanted pets, Some lady walked around the bar with a hat asking for donations.. I respectfully declined. Its not just because I'm cheap its more that I guess I find it a bit obsurd that people are out there raising money for animals... Animals are cool and all but If I have a few extra bucks to give to charity I can think of so many more worthwhile causes then a fucking animal shelter. As future ruler of the world I would make it a point to make sure that before we go around saving baby puppies maybe we should make sure all the people are fed, clothed and educated. Who knows maybe we could feed the dogs to the poor people...

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