Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I don't care about homeless people because they are poor.

Is that a terrible thing to say? I don't think it is. I was told that I had to make this the title of my blog so there it is. Homeless people serve no useful purpost to society, they add nothing of value. The only thing homeless people have over regular poor people is they usually do not breed. The world has more than its fair share of morons and there is no reason they should be allowed to multiply. Watch Idiocracy for clarification.

There are many ways to get unsightly homeless people off the streets. We could mulch them, harvest them for organs for non homeless people, use them for stem cells, medical trials, stunts for movies, target practice, I could go on all night. Hell I'm sure we could make a great alternative energy source out of them.

"That's cruel.. homeless people could just be regular people down on their luck", they are nothing but a drain on resources that could be better utilized. But I bet you could use them to make candles or lamp oil or something. At the very least if you want to help the situation next time you see a homless person just go ahead and hoist them into the dumpster their sleeping next too, they are probably too drunk on sterno to notice anyway. Its not ideal but at least you can go home and sleep soundly knowing you made a difference.


Unknown said...

No, it makes you a horrible person. When you eventually make it Hell, I'm going to make you suffer...I can only assume I'll have some sort of position of power there.

DJ Berndt said...

"But I bet you could use them to make candles or lamp oil or something."

Mmm, homeless person... the perfect scent to fill your loving home with serenity.

Unknown said...

i'm confused, are you saying we should make mulch out homeless people or do you want them to mulch your house? i read in the paper about a small group of bums in beverly hills who by the sounds of it have it better than us on the account of stupid celebrities trying to make a difference in the world by giving them ridiculous shit. i'm thinking about checking it out.


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