Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Random Musings

Quick hit thoughts of the day:

  • 700 billions dollars / approx 130 million taxpayers = $5,000 per taxpayer.  You're welcome idiots who bought houses you couldn't afford. Hope you choke on it.
  • The arctic ice is melting.. don't care. Not as long as people think its solely the cause of man, and ignoring the giant fireball at the middle of our solar system.
  • Palin.  I'm no longer speaking to people that think she is capable of running the country when McSame finally succumbs to that bowling ball on the side of his face for fear that stupid is contagious.
  • Ahmadinejad.  You are a retard, stfu. We are all aware the empire is crumbling, you won't survive without it.
  • Large Hadron Collider.  6 billion dollar fail. We could have built 116 of them if people knew how much mortgage they could afford.


katieleigh said...

I actually found your blog through Joel which explains how I found it when there aren't too many entries.

Thanks for the comment on my pictures. I've only been taking photos for a few years and only just bought myself a SLR to get a little more "serious".

I never intended the coke to be going up the straw. I think that's my doing because I chew my straws to no end so the lack of air causes the coke to stay situated in the straw. :P hah

DJ Berndt said...

Haha, I love the comment about the bowling ball-face. How did he get that, anyway?

And also, I think that katieleigh meant to post that response on my blog, as I was the one who asked her about the Coke going up the straw and how she found my blog when it had so few entries. She's really finding a lot of blogs through Joel!


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