Thursday, September 18, 2008

Staying Humble..hiding from skynet.

I have added the gadget over there on the right that lists your blog followers. That way if I start getting out of hand I can take a deep breath and relax because nobody cares what I say. Don't worry though that's a good thing as I don't really say anything worth reading, that is unless I'm talking about robots in which case you need to pay attention and probably jot down a few notes, everything else is mostly bullshit just to confuse go*gle( search engine bots are not easily misled) . from now on skynet will be my codeword for g0*gle. Ok? good. Think I'm paranoid? Read this:

IT at sea: Google to launch a computer navy

ccording to a patent application seen by London newspaper "The Times," Google is considering launching barges up to seven miles (11km) offshore to host the massive data centers required to run its Internet search engines.
The plan would likely see the data centers -- which consist of huge supercomputers -- use wave energy to power and cool themselves while stationed at sea.
In the application Google states: "Computing centers are located on a ship or ships, anchored in a water body from which energy from natural motion of the water may be captured, and turned into electricity and/or pumping power for cooling pumps to carry heat away."

To think just a few years ago skynet was simply a nice internet search engine.. now it looks like its gearing up to take over the world. You guys worry about "Al Qaida" I'll worry about skynet, the real threat. Maybe its pissed off because the internet is by far the most important tool in the history of man kind and we mostly juse use it to watch porn.

1 comment:

DJ Berndt said...

Nice Google dodging, Jason. I wonder if me using the phrase "Google" in this comment will lead them to you. Just in case it does, Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google.

Also, I'm the second follower of your blog now. Do you feel accomplished as a blogger?


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