Monday, September 29, 2008

Everytime you make a pot of decaf coffee baby jesus kills a kitten...

Ok listen...

If you drink "decaf" coffee you're retarded. FACT! Nothing in the world pisses me off more than getting a nice hot cup o joe in the morning only to find some idiot has wasted precious natural resources filling up another pot with fake coffee. It is complete pointless to consume decaf, as well as extremely selfish and rude to your normal non retarded co workers who are eagarly awaiting a nice hot cup of wonderful delicious coffee. Seriously you know who advocates the drinking of decaf? Mormans. You know the large group of idiots in Utah who worship some that jack ass that supposedly found some tablets in rochester NY that had some more jebus commandments on them...the ones that nobody else was allowed to see but him. Need I say more? Didn't think so. Stay the f*ck away from the coffee maker jerks.

1 comment:

DJ Berndt said...

I've been spiking your coffee with sleeping pills. Take that!


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